This is Anna Adair. She was like one of us. LOL. Momma kept her every since she was a baby. Her dad Bud is a great man and loved this little one. My momma excepted Anna like her own grandchild. In fact she is like one of us Watkins.

My mom in her iris Bed. She loved it just like her kids. She was so excited about her books she would get in the mail. She orders some but most where given to her.

Great granddaughter,Haleigh
Grief, like the ocean, comes in waves, only to recede and come yet again, but with it comes healing.
Memories wash ashore and are bathed by the golden sun.
Grab hold of those memories and let them fill the emptyness.
May they bring you peace.

Dear God, If Irises grow in HEAVEN, Lord please pick a bunch for me, place them in my mother's arms and tell her they're from me. Tell her that I love and miss her, and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile. Because remembering her is easy, I do it every day, but there's an ache within my heart.... That will never go away. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to Mary Virgie Watkins. I love you and miss you momma.
Momma and Dad, I looked at your pictures yesterday. I thought what would you be like today. I know you were with me. I felt your presence, I have been sick and I thought I was going to die. I hurt so bad, and I felt you near me. I know it was you because I know your touch. I think I will be ok. I have a headache so bad that it seem like it is going to explode. I love you both and thanks for watching after me. Love ya and miss ya!
Please click on the link below the picture. Thanks Sandy Watkins Fleck